Homosexual Bill of Rights

Sizzles and Fizzles

ONE's Midwinter Institute this year was indeed a revolutionary change of format. There has been no other homophile convention like it a "gab 'n Java"-type conference with words flowing at a rapid pace for two days.


The program read "A Homosexual Bill of Rights, Landmark in Man's Freedom or Insanity? Which Is It?" We will let the reader draw his own conclusions from the following report of the proceedings.

The Institute opened with an address of welcome by Sten Russell, associate editor of ONE Magazine. Sho explained that ONE's Seventh Midwinter Institute was to be a "group project in homophile education." She said that the weekend sessions together with the 325 or more questionnaires from all over the world, which were yet to be tabulated, represented an "attempt to clarify the thinking of a large group of homophiles."

"I commend you for your courage in coming," Miss Russell declared. She added that the program was not rigged, that those attending would actually be making up the program.

After Miss Russell's welcome those assembled (an estimated 40 people) broke up into five drafting committees (1) Preamble and Definitions; (2) Social Rights; (3) Religious Rights; (4) Scientific Questions and Overpopulation, and (5) Legal Rights. It is impossible of course to give a complete account of the deliberations of each group. We are presenting here the "duties and suggested topics for drafting committees" as outlined in ONE's program, followed by some discussion and the conclusion drawn up by each committee.


A. To supply, on request from other Drafting Committees,